About Us

Who we are | Mission | Objectives | What we do
Who we serve | Why CARES works | Membership | Applications | Leadership Team | Contact us
Updated: 20 July 2024

Who we are

Our Mission

The mission of Cupertino ARES is to recruit, maintain, and train Amateur Radio volunteers capable of providing professional emergency communications, increasing the City's emergency response effectiveness, and speeding the recovery effort.


Our Objectives


What we do


Who we serve

CARES has formal agreements with its Served Agencies. Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) have been completed, reviewed, and signed with the following organizations:


Why CARES works

CARES members pride themselves on their professionalism. We are "amateurs" only by virtue of volunteering our time, skill, and equipment at no cost to Cupertino residents to help our city, community, and neighbors in time of need.

CARES is open to all Cupertino residents holding a valid FCC-issued Amateur Radio license. There are no annual dues or fees. The only requirement for CARES membership is an Amateur Radio license and an interest in serving your community.



CARES members are also Cupertino Citizen Corps Volunteers. As City Volunteers, we align our volunteer policies with that of the City.

Criteria to become a Cupertino Citizens Corps Volunteer

Criteria to become a CARES Member

Criteria to become a CARES Associate Member (under 18 years old)

Criteria for Active Membership

Active Members are familiar with the risks the City faces, CARES operations, how we perform, has the tools needed for a field response, and are ready to be successful with a field assignment.

Criteria for Reserve Membership

Reserve Members may not have the time to devote to CARES to meet the Active Membership requirement. In the event of an activation, Reserve members may need time to refamiliarize themselves with CARES policies and procedures before receiving an assignment.



Interested in joining CARES? If you meet the requirements for membership above, then please review, fill out, and bring these 2 applicatons to one of our next General Meetings:

City Volunteer Application The Disaster Working Application (DSW) registers you as a Cupertino Citizens Corps Volunteer. This is required for CARES membership.
CARES Membership This application gets you signed up with CARES.


CARES Leadership Team

Jim Oberhofer KN6PE
Emergency Coordinator (EC)
Ken Foot KR6CO
Assistant EC
Judy Halchin KK6EWQ
Assistant EC, Training
Steve Hill KK6FPI
Assistant EC
Tae Kang N6TAE
Assistant EC
Marcel Stieber AI6MS
Assistant EC, Comm Engineering
Brian Tanner AG6GX
Assistant EC


Contact Us

email cares@cupertino.org
U.S. Mail Cupertino ARES/RACES
c/o Jim Oberhofer KN6PE
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Phone Emergency Coordinator, Cupertino ARES/RACES
408 839 8798
Cupertino Office of Emergency Management
408 777 3335
Radio CARES Net every Tuesday night, 7:45pm to 8:00pm PST
* Most Tuesdays: 440.150 MHz, + offset, PL=100.0, W6TDM
                 (or 442.000 MHz + offset, PL=100.0 WW6HP)
* Forth Tuesday: 147.570 MHz, PL=151.4, Simplex
In Person General Meeting is the 1st Thursday each Month, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, located at:
Quinlan Community Center, Social Room
10185 N Stelling Road
Cupertino, CA 95014

NOTE!! Due to Covid-19, meetings will be held by Zoom teleconference until further notice. Members will receive the zoom link the week of the meeting.

NOTE!! no meeting in July or August. Check the weekly net to confirm meeting agenda and schedule.

Upcoming Activities

19 Oct 2024, CCC Exercise
Communications Exercise using Windshield Survey and Ark Support. 08:00 to 12:00.   More Details...

7 Nov 2024, General Meeting
Informal Message Passing, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00   

5 Dec 2024, General Meeting
Topic Year End Review, St Jude Parish Hall,19:30 to 21:00